Saturday, December 18, 2010

Coffee Table

An empty mug; A plate with a yoghurt lid and an apple core; a beanie; an egg carton (WTF?!); a deck of cards; a supermarket receipt and a Zingo game.

That is what I see on the coffee table right now.

IMG_0475I’ve cleared this table already once today.

Can you say hot spot?


  1. Hotspot. I am a fan of FlyLady and today her challenge for us baby flyers was to clear a space in two mins. I didn't set my timer right and ended up doing it for more like 20 minutes.

  2. Ah yes, gotta love a hot spot!
    Mine is the dining table, and my entire office.

  3. Keely27, I will have to check out Flylady again. I had a go at her system a LONG time ago but it didn't work for me then. Maybe it will this time round!

    Fi, there's a few in our house. The coffee table was only mentioned right now because I was sitting here on the couch with my laptop. lol
